International Navistar Diamond Logic Builder (DLB) Fleet 2015 v15518 + Keygen
Description International Navistar Diamond Logic Builder (DLB) Fleet 2015 v15518 + Keygen
DLB Fleet is used todiagnose the electrical system on The Industry's First High Performance Trucks.
The Industry's First HighPerformance Trucks have a wide range of diagnostic capabilities. To properlydiagnosis these failures, please follow the instructions outlined in this andother Internationals manuals. The DLB Fleet software provides the capabilitiesto:
1)Read and display numerous vehicle parameters in bothgraphical and textual format.
2)Read and display vehiclediagnostic trouble codes.
3)Read and displayelectronic system controller ID information.
4)Provide detailed diagnostic information on specifictrouble code service.
5)Provide snapshots.
6)Provide a mechanism toplay back snapshot recordings.
Tags: Navistar